
Stylesheet _stylesheet.xsl


builds a simplified xml file of a given xsl stylesheet with only the needed information for xsldoc. add here if you need to comment more elements.

elements that are transformed are (all in the standard xslt namespace

  • <xsl:stylesheet> or <xsl:transform>
  • <xsl:output>
  • <xsl:param>
  • <xsl:include>
  • <xsl:import>
  • <xsl:variable>
  • <xsl:template>

all comments that are directly in front of an element are transformed to a comment-element except for the opening <xsl:stylesheet> element for which the first following comment is used.

non ASCII characters should work in comments (öäüÜÖÄß), pyXSLdoc normally assumes UTF-8 documents

meta data

  • version 0.64
  • author Christof Höke
Stylesheet _stylesheet.xsl

XSLT version 1.0

  • encoding="UTF-8"
  • indent="yes"
  • method="xml"
  • omit-xml-declaration="yes"
  • standalone="no"

strip-space for elements "*"

Param Summary
href - default value: '.'
internal use
Template Summary
/xsl:stylesheet | /xsl:transform
all stylesheets start with these root elements. all attributes are processed.
inserts the comment as a comment-element for the calling element as a normalized-space value
all attributes are processed
xsl:include | xsl:import
the attribute href will be processed
xsl:key | xsl:decimal-format | xsl:output | xsl:strip-space | xsl:preserve-space
all attributes are processed
all attributes are processed
xsl:param | xsl:variable
param and variable, select will be processed. content will be just copied!
match and name attributes and all param elements are processed

Param Detail


default value: '.'

internal use

Template Detail

/xsl:stylesheet | /xsl:transform

matches: "/xsl:stylesheet | /xsl:transform"

all stylesheets start with these root elements. all attributes are processed.

xsl:key | xsl:decimal-format | xsl:output | xsl:strip-space | xsl:preserve-space

matches: "xsl:key | xsl:decimal-format | xsl:output | xsl:strip-space | xsl:preserve-space"

all attributes are processed


matches: "xsl:namespace-alias"

all attributes are processed


matches: "xsl:attribute-set"

all attributes are processed


matches: "xsl:attribute"

xsl:include | xsl:import

matches: "xsl:include | xsl:import"

the attribute href will be processed

may not be "right" for all processors, pyxsldoc assumes paths relative to the importing/including stylesheet, which is not even true for pyXSLdocs XSLTs themselves...

xsl:param | xsl:variable

matches: "xsl:param | xsl:variable"

param and variable, select will be processed. content will be just copied!


matches: "xsl:template"

match and name attributes and all param elements are processed


name: "insert-comment"

inserts the comment as a comment-element for the calling element as a normalized-space value

Copyright © 2004-2005 Christof Höke (generated with pyXSLdoc)