Directory pyxsldoc/xsl
XSLT stylesheets used by pyXSLdoc to generate the XSLT documentation
see Description
_stylesheet.xsl |
builds a simplified xml file of a given xsl stylesheet with only the needed information for xsldoc.
add here if you need to comment more elements.
allstylesheets-frame.xsl |
frame at the bottom left showing all stylesheets
directory-frame.xsl |
frame at the bottom left showing stylesheets for one directory only
directory-summary.xsl |
renders the directory summary page
directory-tree.xsl |
Tree page for one directory only
doc.xsl |
renders one stylesheet page
help.xsl |
renders the help page
index-all.xsl |
renders the index page
index.xsl |
renders the frameset XHTML
overview-frame.xsl |
frame at the top left containing all directories
overview-summary.xsl |
renders the overview page of the whole stylesheet package
overview-tree.xsl |
Tree page for all directories only
removecomments.xsl |
used when using option removedocs to remove all comments from XSLT package
util.xsl |
templates used by other stylesheets
Directory pyxsldoc/xsl
XSLT stylesheets used by pyXSLdoc to generate the XSLT documentation
Most are used to generate a single page or frame.