c THE dot.de\sign…
cthedot.de is the homepage of
Dipl.-Des. Christof Hoeke
MA[RCA] (showing off ;)
Find out who he is what he done and does.
what to find here
about me
- who I am and what I read and my computer CV
- cdot.de private more “arty” site
- see whatever… blog mainly about IT but also about other stuff I see…
- my profile @github and @bitbucket and @LinkedIn
- Latermark, a Pocket client for Windows 10 (Windows UWP app) and Latermark for Windows Phone 8.1 (Latermarkapp @twitter)
- Mirror Camera (Windows UWP app)
- 2015 icongen Generate web and app icons locally in a browser / icongen @github
- since 2005 cssutils CSS library for Python
- 2009 encutils HTTP Content-Type and encoding helper functions, used by cssutils
- 2009 automated W3C HTML validator call batchvalidator for online or locally installed validator
- 2007 reStructuredText server Python only server with static publish option
- 2007 S5 server simple Python server serving S5 presentations written in reStructuredText
- 2006 retest Test Python regular expressions in a webbrowser
- 2005 pyxsldoc XSLT documentation tool
- archived xbrowser tests for HTML and CSS various testpages
This site is in english, some parts are in german though.